i am in awe...
the art and animation in this game is brilliant and you've really managed to re-create the beautiful epic feel of this great song
when the guy made it out of the water and turned into a dragon i was just stunned.
and seeing the two huge dragons flying behind him was just amazing.
and the transition to falling out the sky, becoming a shark/fish (fishes didn't last long engouh!) up to the amazing cloud scene.... beautiful work guys, really. The missiles were programmed really well and were really dynamic in the way they moved and such.
i guess some crits... i think the fishes should of laster longer because they were just amazing... I get that it goes with the music so there isn't much you can do there. Same for the birds, that was just great. I guess having them not last long enough makes people want to replay the game huh? missiles could maybe of been white or at least coloured to look like balls of light or something, or maybe one colour each. credit music cut off too soon!
anyway this is probably one of the things that has impacted me the most on NG in a long while, keep up the work guys...